In this section you will find an overview of the type of products and services we are able to offer. Not all practices require the same and we are happy to tailor a solution to exactly meet your needs.
Practice computerisation involves supply and installation of equipment, practice management software, a broad range of tasks and considerable planning. As an overview we have listed below the key areas where we can be of assistance. These services and products are detailed more fully under "How we can help" on the Home Page, and further elaborated upon under the headings Computerised Practices, Multi-Site Practices, Primary Care Teams also on the Home Page.
Practice Planning - (Equipment and Networking)
Networking Infrastructure Supply and Installation
Hardware and Software Supply, Installation & Configuration
Socrates Installation, Training and Go Live
Administration and Maintenance
Administration Training
Site Audit and Improvements
Inter-Site Access
Medical Specific Web Design
Digital Signage Design and Maintenace